Senior Legal Partner

Bobby Stiven SH, LL.M, CLA holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Pelita Harapan University in 2010. In 2011, he obtained his Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Tilburg Universiteit, The Netherlands specializing in International and European Law.

Bobby Stiven S.H., LL.M, CLA as Senior Legal Partner of Misael & Partners, has experience to solve legal problems. These experiences are supported by the Certificate of Mediator granted by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in 2012 and got the Peradi Certificate in 2015.

Besides a senior Advocate, he is also a Mediator, Legal Consultant, and Legal Auditor  Bobby Stiven SH, LL.M, CLA has experience as speaker and lecturers at various leading universities, among others: Universitas Pelita Harapan, Universitas Tarumanagara , And Gajah Mada University.

Education & Experience

  • 2006 - 2010 :

    Bachelor of Law in International Law, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia

  • 2010 - 2011 :

    Master of Laws (LL.M) in International and European Law, Tilburg Universiteit, The Netherlands

  • 2012 :

    Certified Mediator

  • 2015 :

    Pass the Advocate's test

Honors & Awards

  • #1st winner of state law debate competition in Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung 2009
  • Judges on "Dr. Mocthar Riady's Cup: National Legal Debate and Legal Expo 2012", which being held by Pelita Harapan University on February 1nd - 3rd, 2012.
  • The coach of  Tarumanagara University Team on Legal Debate Competition with the theme "Membangun Hukum berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945" which being held by Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung on February 17th-19th, 2012.
  • Judges on " Lomba Cepat Tepat: Battle of Speech (B.O.S)" which being held by Tarumanagara University, Jakarta on March 21st-22nd, 2013.
  • Speaker on "ALSA International Video Conference yang bekerja sama dengan Universitas Teknologi Mara, Malaysia" which being held in Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta on October 23rd, 2013.
  • The coach on "The 8th Indonesian National Round of International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition" which being held in Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta on November 8th-11th, 2013.
  • Speaker on "Pendidikan Dasar Battle of Speech" with the theme "Pembangunan Mentalitas dan Keberanian Generasi Muda yang Lebih Baik" which being held by Tarumanagara University, Jakarta on November 16th, 2013.
  • Speaker on "Nusantara Young Leaders Forum" which being held in Kaliurang, Sleman, Yogyakarta on January 24th-27th, 2014.
  • Speaker on "Southeast Asian Leaders Summit (SEAL-S) 2014" with the theme "Empowering Nusantara Young Leaders For The Betterment of Southeast Asia" which being held in Hotel Amaris, Surabaya on December 18th-21st, 2014.